It’s Time To Organize!


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“If you don’t like it, you can demobilize”

How many times have you heard that from a manager when you bring up a concern?

C.O.R.E. FEMA employees have a union, we deserve one too. We reservists are the ones that drop everything to jump in the middle of disasters filled with pain and suffering, we shouldn’t have to endure pain and suffering from management as well.

Being road warriors requires different needs than people that work in one location full-time. Every deployment means long, hard hours. Sometimes in the most austere of conditions. We deserve respect and a say in our working conditions.

What Is A Union

A Union is an organization formed by workers who band together to have a voice in their workplace. Through their Union, workers have the ability to negotiate from a position of strength with employers over wages, benefits, hours and working conditions. Unions help to ensure that employers act fairly. Employees can solve problems at work more effectively as a group. Through forming a union and negotiating a contract, employees can secure the things they like about their job, and they can make changes in areas that need improvement. Having a Unions mean job security -they can’t tell you to “demobe” because you bring up an issue.

Strong unions built the great American middle class. – President Biden

What about The Reservist Advisory Board(RAB)?

The Reservist Advisory Board is not a Union, doesn’t function like a Union, or have any effect on your work environment like a Union. It is there only to make you feel like you have a voice in your workplace. Anybody who has ever tried using the RAB to get some change will tell you it doesn’t work.

Our Issues

Equality in Deployments

It is not reasonable that some people get an eight months of deployment while others get only one. It is not right that some people keep getting the premium deployments while others never get a call. For some of us, this is our only income. There needs to be an a more equal deployment system with full transparency to keep management from rigging the system.

Affordable Nationwide Health Care

Because a vast majority of the time we are deployed to places where the health care is “out of network”, we need affordable healthcare that can be used anywhere in the united states and it’s territories. It would be unconscionable that someone would get sick away from home and become bankrupt because of it.

Set policies /A Say in the work place

Most problems in the work place stem from management and their overriding concern for everything except the employees that make it run. We need set policy’s that are created by management and employees, together, to insure we have the best working environment we can. We don’t need management making up policies when ever they want.

Reasonable Task Book Goals and Advancement

Once we have completed a test book and become qualified there is no reason to wait up to 120 days in order to open up a new task book. The training system needs to be revamped with worker input, not just management control.

Our Time is Our Time

FEMA has no right to dictate what we do on our time off. FEMA has no right to tell us where to stay, (except in austere conditions and places where survivors need the hotel rooms). FEMA time begins when and where they direct us to be and ends when we are are no longer under their control – All of it to be paid.

First Inline for C.O.R.E. positions and Cadre Changes

FEMA Reservists need to be at the front of the line for all C.O.R.E. Positions. We need dedicated Human Resource Personal to help us move among cadres, with out requesting permission from management.

How Do We Get A Union

When we can show management we have a majority of the reservists interested in forming a Union, we ask FEMA management and President Biden to recognize us as an official Union. There are several ways they can go about doing that.

What Can I Do?

  • Talk to your coworkers and encourage them to be a part of our Union.
  • Share this website and your thoughts on social media.
  • Become a leader in this organization.

Have a different issue? Contact Us – We want to hear from you.